Publisher : AE Mobile Limited
Release Date: : 8 May 2015
Android: : 2.3 and up
Downloads: : 10,000 - 50,000
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Step 1:Download AE City Jump app For Laptop, PC Using Bluestacks Emulator here .
Step 2: Download AE City Jump apk files to your pc here .
Step 3: After downloading and install you will see bluestacks icon on every android apk.
Step 4: Now double click on AE City Jump 1.0.2 android apk file to install it. The bluestacks app handler will open and automatically install the AE City Jump app.
Step 5: After installation the app handler will close.
Step 6: Now open bluestacks and click ‘My Apps’. Here you will see all the installed android apps. Click on AE City Jump to run it.
* Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7; 8; 10 Windows Vista; Windows XP Service Pack 3; OS X 10.8 or later.
* Use keyboard to play android games or you can use a Logitech game controller to play android games in bluestacks.
is an adventure game with very easy playing method happening
is the latest extreme dirt bike racing game released by
edition here! Funny Jump is a highly addictive game with
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title to come out of 2d4 Games, keep yourself from falling
can test your reaction. 99 rounds are waiting for you!Simple
is for use with the Audio Everywhere system. It allows
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a very simple but very useful application to take the order.
Your way through hordes of the undead in the thrilling
executing mysterious task, jumping between buildings, to avoid
on the screen, the ball jumps, avoid obstacle and k