Publisher : alchimedia
Release Date: : 17 December 2014
Android: : 2.3.3 and up
Downloads: : 1,000 - 5,000
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Step 1:Download Music Box Xmas app For Laptop, PC Using Bluestacks Emulator here .
Step 2: Download Music Box Xmas apk files to your pc here .
Step 3: After downloading and install you will see bluestacks icon on every android apk.
Step 4: Now double click on Music Box Xmas 1.0 android apk file to install it. The bluestacks app handler will open and automatically install the Music Box Xmas app.
Step 5: After installation the app handler will close.
Step 6: Now open bluestacks and click ‘My Apps’. Here you will see all the installed android apps. Click on Music Box Xmas to run it.
* Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7; 8; 10 Windows Vista; Windows XP Service Pack 3; OS X 10.8 or later.
* Use keyboard to play android games or you can use a Logitech game controller to play android games in bluestacks.
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